We plant it, We grow it, We make it.

Embracing Nature: Cultivating Skincare from the Earth
In today’s fast-paced world, there is a growing yearning to return to our roots, to nurture a deeper connection with the earth and its natural resources. For many of us, this has inspired a desire to cultivate our own plants and herbs, not just for culinary delights, but also to harness their potent properties for skincare. At the heart of this movement lies a passion for Earth and Mother Nature, a profound longing to restore the delicate balance between humanity and the natural world.

The decision to grow our own plants and herbs for skincare is an acknowledgment of the fragility of our planet and a commitment to tread lightly upon it. It is a conscious choice to eschew synthetic and potentially harmful ingredients in favor of the bountiful offerings bestowed upon us by the earth. In doing so, we honor our intrinsic connection to the planet and embrace a lifestyle that is both sustainable and respectful.

Moreover, as we immerse ourselves in the process of growing and cultivating, we rediscover forgotten wisdom passed down through generations. We glean insights into the natural cycles of growth and decay, and we come to understand the intrinsic intelligence coded within every leaf and petal.

This knowledge not only enriches our skincare formulations but also deepens our reverence for the intricate tapestry of life that envelops us.

In this act of creation, we forge a bond with the natural world, and our skincare becomes a testament to the beauty and potency inherent in earth’s offerings.
In cultivating our own plants and herbs for skincare, we embark on a transformative odyssey—a journey that leads us back to the embrace of nature, fostering a renewed sense of harmony and equilibrium. It is a celebration of interconnectedness and a humble acknowledgment of the wisdom and abundance that the earth unfailingly bestows upon us.

What’s Growing On?…

Tapping Time.


Capturing the Essence of Birch Water

In early spring, nature awakens as the sap starts to rise in the slender birch trees. This delicate process gives birth to Birch water, a prized elixir that has been cherished and collected for countless generations. The window of opportunity to gather this precious sap is fleeting, as it is dictated by the ever-changing temperatures of the season.

Last year, the chance to collect this liquid treasure slipped through our fingers, a missed opportunity that left us yearning for the sweet freshness of Birch water. But this time around, we stand prepared and vigilant, determined not to let the moment escape us.

As the days grow longer and the air carries a hint of warmth, we eagerly anticipate the perfect timing to tap into this ancient tradition. Ready with our tools and receptacles, we await the signal from nature that the time is ripe to savor the pure essence of the birch tree in the form of its nourishing and revitalizing water.

This year, we are attuned to the whisper of the wind and the dance of sunlight through the branches, ensuring that we do not miss the fleeting opportunity to partake in this time-honored ritual of collecting Birch water. With each drop collected, we celebrate the harmony between the earth and the tree, knowing that within this precious liquid lies a taste of the season's promise and the essence of renewal.

Birch Water in Skincare

At Good Things, we are constantly exploring the potential of powerful, nature-derived ingredients for our skincare formulations. Birch, with all its natural glory, has captivated our attention, leading us to craft something truly special. Stay tuned for the unveiling of our new Birch product, meticulously crafted to harness the nourishing properties of the leaves, bark, and inner bark of the Birch tree. Embrace the potency of nature with our upcoming Birch skincare marvel.

Birch Water as Face Toner!

The Birch water sourced from tapping trees can indeed be a beneficial elixir for skincare routines. Rich in minerals and vitamins, Birch water serves as a hydrating and nourishing face toner that can help revitalize the skin.

This natural resource offers a cost-effective way for anyone to access a superior skincare product with hydrating properties.

Planning the Skincare Year Ahead: Reconnecting with the Soil /SOWING SEASON

As we turn our attention to the skincare year ahead, it's essential to lay the groundwork for a nourishing and sustainable journey. Just as we meticulously plan our skincare routines, it's time to sow the seeds of our connection with the Earth and embrace the natural elements that contribute to our overall well-being.

Reconnecting with the Soil.

Understanding the Source.

Before delving into the skincare products and routines, it's crucial to understand where our ingredients come from. Let's take the time to explore the origins of botanical extracts, essential oils, and natural elements that make up our skincare arsenal. By reconnecting with the soil in this manner, we deepen our appreciation for the earth's offerings and how they contribute to our skincare goals.

Cultivating Purposeful Allotment.

Just as we carefully plan our skincare routines, let's approach our allotment with intention. Whether it's dedicating space in our gardens for herbs and botanicals commonly found in skincare or nurturing indoor plants for homegrown remedies, this intentional approach fosters a deeper connection with the natural world. By tending to our allotment with care, we not only sow the literal seeds for our skincare ingredients but also cultivate a sense of mindfulness and appreciation for the Earth's offerings.

Nurturing Holistic Well-being.

Through reconnecting with the soil and embracing sustainable practices, we extend the focus of our skincare year beyond the surface. By intertwining skincare with a mindful connection to nature, we nurture holistic well-being that encompasses not only physical health but also mental and environmental well-being.

Hand grown

Hand picked

Hand grown Hand picked